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National Tube Stockholder

National Tube Stockholder is based in North Yorkshire and is the market leader of hot finished structural hollow sections. The company has almost 30 years of experience in stockholding, logistics, and in-house processing of hollow sections in the UK. Secure Power provided the first critical power solution to one of National Tube Stockholders’ several sites in 2017. Since then, several service visits have been completed – leading to a strong relationship between the parties. The full trust of National Tube Stockholders in Secure Power made us be their first choice of power protection. When they needed a critical power solution for their IT equipment, it was no surprise when they called us. We needed to provide a solution so that if ever the voltage of power is too low or there is a blackout, their IT systems would still operate.

The first step to providing the correct solution is to do a site survey. Our highly experienced and knowledgeable engineers investigated the customer’s requirements, environment, and IT equipment load. Based on the data gathered, Secure Power provided a few solutions, and the National Tube Stockholders IT manager made the final decision.

The decision was to have an Eaton brand due to its software being VMWare certified and easy integration into vSphere. We supplied them with 2 x 40kVA 93PS UPS in an A + B configuration. Most of the customer’s equipment was dual power, and to ensure the most resilient solution, it was important to maintain a dual-feed all the way from the supply to the equipment. Some of the equipment was a single power supply and was backed up by an ATS Panel installed into the cabinets. The ATS Panel switches the load between source A and B depending on which is the cleanest supply.

The Eaton UPS solution was an excellent choice to meet all of the National Tube Stockholders requirements as Eaton UPS 93PS is used for IT applications such as server rooms and localised data centres mission-critical applications the customer needed for. Furthermore, the UPS has integrated software which made it be the perfect solution for National Tube Stockholders. Overall, the project was smooth without any problems and once again, Secure Power exceeded expectations of its customer.

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Providing complete UPS solutions for over 10 years.

Secure Power is your single point of contact for all aspects of your critical power needs.

Other services we provide

Battery Impedance Testing


UPS Health Check


UPS Maintenance


Load Bank Testing

