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Alium Medical

Here at Secure Power, we offer an array of backup power solutions for a varied range of industries across the UK and Europe.

Here at Secure Power, we offer an array of backup power solutions for a varied range of industries across the UK and Europe.

In this case, we worked to create a solution for Alium medical, a medical supplier based in the UK. Alium medical required a UPS medical application to ensure their walk-in freezer was protected against an outage.

Unexpected power failure can be detrimental to any business, especially those that rely on equipment keeping supplies safe to use. This was the case for Alium Medical. In the event of a power outage, the walk-in freezer which houses their medical supplies would fall below temperature, causing all supplies to be ruined. This would not only affect the business itself, but it would also cause a knock-on effect to businesses that bought these supplies and even those needing the medication they supply. The aftermath of power failure could have cost Alium Medical thousands to rectify, which is why the contacted Secure Power to see what solutions we could provide to prevent the worst from happening.

Secure Power conducted a site survey to gain more of an understanding of Alium Medical’s unique requirements. An option we proposed was the MPM 20kVA (Riello Master Plus). This particular Riello UPS is renowned for its suitability for the medical industry, mainly due to its large power size, small footprint, and zero impact source. After deciding what technology, the customer specifically required when then obtained the product and completed the installation. This solution matched our customer’s requirements, giving them 6 hours of backup power. So, in the event of a power outage, Alium Medical would have enough time to keep their supplies at a safe temperature.

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Providing complete UPS solutions for over 10 years.

Secure Power is your single point of contact for all aspects of your critical power needs.

Other services we provide

Battery Impedance Testing


UPS Health Check


UPS Maintenance


Load Bank Testing

