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UK Standards for UPS Systems (BS EN 62040)

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The BS EN 62040 standard outlines the safety and performance requirements for UPS systems in the UK. It ensures that all UPS units meet stringent electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and environmental performance regulations.

  • BS EN 62040-1: Covers UPS system safety requirements, ensuring electrical protection.
  • BS EN 62040-2: Focuses on electromagnetic compatibility to prevent interference with other electrical devices.
  • BS EN 62040-3: Defines UPS performance classification based on voltage stability and reliability.

Ensuring compliance with these standards helps maintain operational safety, minimises risks, and guarantees a reliable power backup solution.

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Providing complete UPS solutions for over 10 years.

Secure Power is your single point of contact for all aspects of your critical power needs.

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Battery Impedance Testing


UPS Health Check


UPS Maintenance


Load Bank Testing

