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Salicru SLC X-PERT

The SLC X-PERT family of three-phase UPSs from Salicru combines a very low total cost of ownership (TCO) with extremely high efficiency and a compact design to provide uninterrupted power for all mission-critical applications. The included technology gives one of the highest market efficiencies in VFI mode and the full projected battery life.

Due to its high power density, the SLC X-PERT series makes optimal use of the surface area occupied. Models beginning at 200 kVA feature full front access, eliminating the requirement for side or rear room, making them simple to service and installable side by side, back to back, or against a wall. The shared battery option significantly improves the SLC X-PERT series' capacity to provide small-footprint solutions, freeing up room for other equipment.

Salicru SLC X-PERT image

Salicru SLC X-PERT

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